Daria Julkowska: Daria Julkowska has over 15 years of experience in research and management. She is the Scientific Coordinator of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases and also is responsible for the coordination of the IRDiRC Scientific Secretariat. This position allows her to implement the strategic rare disease research and funding recommendations of IRDiRC to the development of EJP RD which includes the participation of the European Research networks. She is involved in the rare diseases field since 2010, starting from E-Rare, the ERA-Net for Research programmes on rare diseases, where for the first two years she occupied the position of the project manager to finally (April 2013-December 2018) take over the coordination of the programme. As the coordinator, she developed and put into action a set of collaborations facilitating rare diseases research, including the partnerships with European Research Infrastructures and Patients’ Organizations. She has an extensive knowledge and understanding of European funding schemes and programmes.
Dr. Julkowska obtained her international PhD in molecular biology at the University of Paris XI, France and University of Gdansk, Poland in 2005. She pursued her scientific vocation by the post-doctoral experience in cellular biology, at Institut Pasteur, Paris and extensive training in communication and European Union counselling. She also holds MSc in Management of Research from the University of Paris Dauphine.
EJP RD Coordinator

Juliane Halftermeyer: Juliane completed a Ph.D. in Oncology in France working on Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. She worked at the Consulate General of France in Atlanta, Georgia, USA as Deputy Attaché for Science and Technology. In 2013 she came back to France to work for the French National Research Agency (ANR) as project manager on the E-Rare-3 programme. She later joined the Fondation ARC, an organization of public utility dedicated to cancer research, as scientific project manager and since March 2019, she is back in to the rare diseases field as Senior Project Manager of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases. In particular, her role is to participate in the management of the coordination and transversal activities as well as all activities related to the Pillar 1 – Collaborative research funding.
Senior Project Manager for Pillar 0 – Coordination and Transversal Activities and Pillar 1 – Collaborative Research Funding

Yanis Mimouni: Yanis is a Doctor of Pharmacy with a MSc in Pharmaceutical Medicine (Clinical Development of Health Products). He participated in the set-up and coordinated more than forty European and international research projects. These latter included rare diseases therapeutic area and comprised phase I, II, III and IV clinical trials; registries; translational; diagnostic, pharmaco-epidemiological and pharmacovigilance projects. Yanis initiated the exploitation of medical Information Systems and Databases to optimize project execution and inform Medical Decision. He joined the European Joint Program on Rare Diseases in July 2019 as Senior Project Manager. His role is to participate in the management of the coordination and transversal activities as well as all activities related to the Pillar 2 – Virtual Platform for Data and Services
Senior Project Manager – Coordination and Transversal Activities and Pillar 2 – Innovative coordinated access to data and services for transformative rare diseases research

Galliano Zanello: Galliano completed a Ph.D. in Immunology at INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research, Department of Animal Health, Unit of Infectious Diseases and Public Health) and was subsequently granted a research fellowship at the University of Toronto, Department of Medicine. His research focused on understanding the mechanisms of chronic intestinal inflammation and host-microbiota interactions. Following his postdoctoral training, Galliano joined industry as a Research Scientist in developing cellular immunotherapies (CAR-T regulatory cells) for the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Since January 2019, Galliano joined Inserm (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) as a Senior Project Manager of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD). His role is to participate in the coordination of the activities associated with the Pillar 4 – Innovation and Clinical Trials Support, manage the Scientific Secretariat of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC), and stimulate good connection and strategic alignment between the activities of EJP RD and IRDiRC.

Hiba Abou Daya: Hiba completed a Ph.D. in human pathophysiology from the University of Picardie Jules Verne (France). Her research was focused on understanding some aspects of drug resistance mechanisms in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). During her Ph.D., she followed the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at the IAE (Institute of Business Administration) in Amiens. She joined the European Joint Program on Rare Diseases in March 2022 as Scientific Project Manager. Her role is to participate in the management of the different activities associated to Pillar 3 and Pillar 4.

Mary Catherine Letinturier: Catherine is a licensed pharmacist in the Philippines and a doctor in China. She completed her dual program medical degree in Tongji University School of Medicine, studying Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She did her medical rotation in Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital (China) and Universitätsklinikum Ulm (Germany), including some research work on Hepatitis and Dengue at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC). She has worked in several global private pharmaceutical companies and contract research organization (CRO) for various therapeutic areas doing clinical trials, market access, and commercialization. She joined INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) in September 2021 as Scientific Project Manager to manage the Scientific Secretariat of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC).

Alexandra Tataru: Alexandra completed a MSc in Pharmacy at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Romania) and was involved in several international research projects at Université d’Angers (France) and National University of Singapore (Singapore), with a focus on the development of controlled drug delivery systems and analysis methods for pellets. She has worked in several global private pharmaceutical companies in global medical information, medical writing, pharmacovigilance, and contract research organization in data management supporting the development of oncology and rare diseases trials. Alexandra has joined INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) in March 2022 as Scientific Project Manager to participate in the organization of the Scientific Secretariat of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) activities, and as a support to Pillar 2.

Clément Moreau: Clément has a Master’s degree in European and International Project Management from the University of Nantes (France). After a first internship experience in project management and awareness of European issues at the Association Jean Monnet in 2019, he worked for two years at University Côte d’Azur (UCA, Nice, France), where he was the manager of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building projects (ERASMUS+, KA2) involving UCA. Clément joined the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases in August 2021 as project manager of the Pillar 3 – Training and Empowerment.

Pauline Adam: Pauline has a double Master’s degree in international governance from Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble (France) and International University of Rabat (Morocco). She had first internship experiences in Senegal and Morocco, working for NGOs involved in linking research with public policies, local stakeholders’ capacity building, and topics related to public health. During the pandemic, she worked on medical human ressources support operations at the Ministry of Health Crisis Center, and then as a scientific project manager in the COVID international surveillance team at Santé Publique France.
Pauline joined the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases in June 2023 as project manager for supporting Pillar 3 – Training and Empowerment.
Project Manager – Pillar 3 – Training and Empowerment

Blandine Castrillo: Blandine has a Master’s degree in European Project Management from the University of Cergy-Pontoise (UCP, France). From 2016, she worked for the French Research Agency (ANR) as administrative and financial officer for European Project, especially on ERA-NET projects (funded by FP7 & H2020 programmes). She was also involved for three years in the coordination of E-RARE-3. After a short experience as controller of French participants funded by the EU Structural and Investment funds, she joined the EJP RD team in January 2020 as administrative and financial manager of the project.
Administrative and Financial Manager

Tanguy Onakoy: Tanguy completed a Master’s Degree in Project Engineering and Intercultural Communications at New Sorbonne University in Paris. After several experiences in communications and marketing in different fields (GQ magazine, Catholic University of Paris, video production companies…), Tanguy joined the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases in September 2020 as the Communication Manager.
Communication Manager

Ngangta Mbaidoum: Ngangta completed her master’s degree in healthcare management from the university of Caen in Normandie (France) and her bachelor’s degree in science from Southeastern Oklahoma state university in the state of Oklahoma ( United States of America).
She had several years of experiences in Executive Assistant, clerk Assistant and technical Assistant in international companies and in the organization such as United Nations High commissioners for refugees.
Ngangta joined the European Joint Program on Rare Diseases as an office Manager.
Office Manager