AIDRD Hackathon 2020

The Alliance of International Developers for Rare Diseases (AIDRD) Hackathon 2020 will be held from March 9th through 12th, 2020 in Kashiwa, Japan (1 hour train from Tokyo). The focus of this hackathon is bringing together developers from around the world to help address three key challenges for rare disease diagnosis: The use and interoperability of rare…


Join ELIXIR at the next Bioinformatics Industry Forum

The ELIXIR Bioinformatics Industry Forum brings together technical specialists and academics to discuss visionary ideas, bottlenecks and solutions to some of the major challenges in the data driven life science sector. This year’s speakers include a mix from software providers, funders and academics such as Amazon Web Services, Google, the University of Oxford, and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. The…


ERA-Net Neuron Calls

Joint calls for proposals are the centrepiece of NEURON’s transnational activities. On an annual basis, the ministries and funding agencies networking within NEURON launch joint transnational calls (JTCs) in the field of disease-related neuroscience. What NEURON fundsNEURON JTCs address important topics from the areas of neuroscience, neurology or psychiatry. Call topics are usually kept quite…


HMA-EMA Joint Big Data Taskforce Phase II report: ‘Evolving Data-Driven Regulation’

The report ‘Evolving data-driven regulation‘ is online, it aims to inform strategic decision-making and planning by the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) and European Medicine Agency (EMA) and to input to the EU Network Strategy to 2025. The report will support regulators and stakeholders seizing the opportunity for data-driven, evidence-based, robust decision-making that will underpin…



“Multidisciplinary Research Projects on Personalised Medicine – Pre-/Clinical research, Big Data and ICT, Implementation and User’s Perspective” Deadline for pre-proposal submission is: 5 March 2020 (17:00 CET) ERA PerMed is an ERA-NET Cofund, supported by 32 partners of 23 countries and cofunded by the European Commission (EC). To align national research strategies, promote excellence, reinforce the…
