European Union (EU) Health Summit – Rare Diseases Moonshot launch

Join us on 8th December for the European Health Summit that will take place in Brussels (Belgium) and online to find out more about our journey towards a Rare Disease Moonshot. Online registration is open here: EJP RD Coordinator, Daria Julkowska, will be part of the panel “Building a sustainable R&D ecosystem for rare diseases” along with other keynote speakers. This panel will provide the opportunity…



In the context of EJP RD’s ERN Workshops, a face-to-face workshop entitled “EJP RD – ERN Workshop: RARE TOGETHER” is being organized by Dr Rosanne Smits from Radboud University Medical Center. The in-person event will take place on 8-9 May 2023 at Van der Valk Hotel in Nijmegen-Lent, The Netherlands. Registration is open here, and closes on February 1st. The workshop, open to all research levels…


Survey for SRIA in support for the EP PerMed

The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) Drafting Group, representing the European Members States group, is launching an open consultation to validate and receive input for the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda in support for the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine, EP PerMed. The outcome of the online consultation will be considered for the SRIA finalisation (02/2023)…


EJP RD – ERN Workshop: New Therapeutical Approaches for Inherited Retinal Dystrophies

In the context of EJP RD’s ERN Workshops, a face-to-face workshop entitled “EJP RD – ERN Workshop: New Therapeutical Approaches for Inherited Retinal Dystrophies” is being organized by Dr Regina Rodrigo. The in-person event will take place on 27-28 March 2023 at CIPF – Príncipe Felipe Research Center, Eduardo Primo Yúfera, 3, 46012, Valencia, Spain. Registration is open here, and closes…


International call for research proposals on rare cancer drug development

Five European anti-cancer charities (Fundación científica Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (Spain); The Anticancer Fund (Belgium); Fondation ARC (France); Kom op tegen Kanker (Belgium); Dutch Cancer Society (The Netherlands)) are joining forces to stimulate international research on rare cancer drug development. The focus of this joint international call, the ATTRACT-Call, is on late phase (2/3) clinical trials on rare cancer drugs.…


Join IRDiRC’s Therapies Scientific Committee!

IRDiRC’s Therapies Scientific Committee (TSC)  would like to broaden the committee membership, to represent the worldwide rare diseases therapies community in its full width, from early innovation towards regulatory approval and therapeutic support of patients. As such, the TSC has three openings for new members, specifically encouraging participants from the following regions: Africa, Asia, Australasia or South America.…


Fostering innovation for rare diseases in Europe: Chiesi supports the RDR Challenges Call

Chiesi has published an article showcasing support towards EJP RD’s RDR Challenges Call. The innovative “Rare Diseases Research (RDR) Challenges” call aims at facilitate and fund collaboration between industry, academia, SMEs, and patient organizations to solve specific research challenges in rare diseases. « As B-Corp certified pharmaceutical company, Chiesi invests in multi-stakeholder collaboration as a crucial pillar…
