Joint Transnational Call 2018 (JTC2018)

Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease, leading to death within 6-10 years. Symptoms of MSA affect the mobility and the autonomic nervous system. Available drugs only provide limited symptomatic relief. There is no curative therapy for MSA available. MSA is caused by aggregation of the protein alpha-synuclein in neurons and oligodendrocytes (support cells) in the brain. Deeper understanding of the molecular causes and consequences of alpha-synuclein aggregation, leading to neurodegeneration is highly important to develop better therapies. In preparatory work, we have already generated large datasets in patients-derived materials (genome-wide association study, epigenome-wide DNA methylation study) and corresponding cell models (DNA-methylome, miRnome, transcriptome, proteome, siRNA modifier screen, functional compound screen). In this project, we will generate a large scale dataset on many biological levels (epigenome, transcriptome, proteome) of the two cell types affected in MSA (neurons, oligodendrocytes) derived from human post-mortem brains and induced pluripotent stem cells, from MSA patients and controls. These unique datasets will be explored by powerful computational methods to generate an integrated map of molecular pathways involved in MSA. This project is only possible in an international collaboration bringing together experts in various scientific areas. We expect to generate a unique and large database which will be shared with the scientific community to accelerate the development of novel breakthrough therapies for MSA.
- Höglinger, Günter (Coordinator)
Technical University of Munich [GERMANY] - Windl, Otto
LUdwig-Maximilians-Universität München [GERMANY] - Tost, Jörg
Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humain [FRANCE] - Lashuel, Hilal
School of Life Sciences [SWITZERLAND] - Housing-Duistermaat, Jeanine
University Medical Center Utrecht [NETHERLANDS]