Jazz4Rare 2020 by Foundation of Borys the Hero

Jazz4Rare 2020, a unique jazz concert took place in Emigration Museum in Gdynia on Rare Disease Day. Concert was positive kind of trial of building awareness event build on sensory experience thru jazz music & vocal. The event gather almost 300 visitors who spent 2 hours on listening and feeling jazz states of rareness served by two bands: Dowgiałło Lipiński Duo and Knitter Dyakowski Quintet. The organisers explain: Why jazz? In our opinion, jazz has a positive effect on the body and soul, including those affected by rare diseases. The second premise is that jazz music is often improvisation, it is a mixture of talent, knowledge, happiness and intuition. It is a constant step on the undiscovered land, exploring the unknown, it is often improvised expeditions in an unknown direction, just as the heart and mind tells. It’s exactly the same with rare disease activities, and since jazz and rare diseases have so much in common, why not combine them?

Place where the concert was organised was also not random choice, because Emigration Museum is also rare-linked place. Why? Representatives of the Foundation say: Again, drawing on our own experience, we know that the diagnosis of a rare disease heard by the child’s parents is both the end and the beginning, a peculiar moment of the turning point that closes one stage and opens another, which is a kind of journey in the search for therapy, treatment or stabilization. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is a journey into the unknown, without a clearly defined direction – it is emigration from the comfort zone to a new life, living with a rare disease. Therefore, there is no better place than the Emigration Museum in Gdynia to emigrate to unforgettable jazz states of mind filled with good dedicated to people and families affected by rare diseases.

Jazz4Rare 2020 was organised by: Foundation of Borys the Hero, Tata Studio and Emigration Museum in Gdynia. More photos are available here and also the video with Dowgiallo Lipinski Duo stunning cover song of a-ha Take On Me is available.