The EJP RD is glad to announce its second General Assembly (GA) and Consortium meeting that will take place from 14 to 18 September 2020. Due to Covid-19, the 2020 GA meeting will be held online.
The GA meeting will be the perfect occasion to bring together all EJP RD members to have an open discussion on the work done so far and define the new roadmap for the next year. Covid-19 might have stopped us from organizing a face to face meeting, but the EJP RD community is stronger than ever and more motivated than before on achieving its set goals to impact the rare disease research.
This year the GA program is going to be very rich, broad, and tailored to the specific interests of its members.
In particular, dedicated sessions are planned to share the experimental data resources available in the EJP RD as well as the applications of the EJP RD Virtual Platform to show how the consortium can support the work of its stakeholders. A specific session will focus on how to access relevant resources (including pre-clinical and clinical ones) needed for research.
RD-Connect genome-phenome analysis platform and FAIRifying registries and databases will be introduced to facilitate the acquaintance of the audience to such tools and resources.
A focus on EJP RD funding opportunities with tips to build a successful proposal will give you the opportunity to get ready for the upcoming Joint Transnational Call 2021 and other EJP RD funding opportunities.
Introduction to translational research for clinical and pre-clinical research will be given. Regulatory solutions and data protection will be discussed considering the tighten GDPR legislation in research and its various legal interpretations between countries.
Outcomes of the ERN trainings and fellowships carried out during the first year of the EJP RD and the rare diseases trainings and e-learning scheme will be showed and discussed to make both initiatives more impactful in the future.
Finally, clinical trials will be the focus of two sessions that introduce novel methodologies aimed at improving the design and the analysis of RD clinical trials as well as increase knowledge of the EJP RD Multinational clinical trial support office.
In addition, plenary and parallel sessions will provide more original inputs that will be used to finalize the new EJP RD roadmap for 2021.
Recorded webinar(s) will be freely available on the EJP RD website and official YouTube channel after the meeting to share good practices, relevant contents, and important support materials with the whole RD community.
Tune in with us on twitter at the @EJPRareDiseases account on 14-17 September and look at the EJP RD website to get the latest news from the EJP RD community.
Preliminary program can be downloaded here: EJP-RD_GA-meeting-2020 agenda