11 – 14 May 2020. This workshop will be online with a web-conferencing format. The preliminary program has been adapted.

General Information

This training workshop week is co-organised between EJP RD and EASI-Genomics.
This workshop is a part of a series of capacity building programs put forth by the EJP RD.
This workshop is aimed at biomedical researchers, medical professionals and biobank managers who want to organise biomedical research projects on human biological samples. In two modules we will use several use-cases to address the key issues in biomedical research  involving  human  subjects,  human  biological  samples  and  associated medical data: ethics, legal issues, privacy and data protection, data standardisation and the implementation of sample workflows in a clinical context that are compatible with the In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation.

  • Module 1 (11 – 12 May): we will show participants how to obtain ethical, legal and regulatory counsel for their projects, since regulations vary widely between European countries. In addition, we will provide practical guidelines on how to manage genetic data and metadata from human samples. The goal is to arrive at a logically organised checklist that prevents overlooking important issues that may be particularly challenging, e.g. in transnational collaboration. In particular, a rare disease use case will be addressed
  • Module 2 (13 – 14 May): we will deal with procurement of samples and data in a workflow in a clinical context aligned with current CEN/ISO standards for pre-analytical procedures.

The training workshop will consist of plenary lectures and interactive small-group exercises, based to the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method to discuss the use-cases. PBL is a highly interactive and learner-centred approach where the learning occurs by working in a small group assisted by a facilitator to develop a solution of a problem. Group presentations are foreseen to assess the new learning. A satisfaction questionnaire will also be submitted to the participants.


Registration is closed.

The two modules can be registered separately. Please indicate in the registration for whether you intend to participate in Module 1 or 2, or both Modules.

Confirmation of participation
Selected participants have been informed by email.


The workshop and registration are free of charge.


At the end of the workshop a certificate of attendance will be handed to the participants who attended the entire workshop. No credits of Continuing Education in Medicine will be issued.


Workshops will run in English.


11 – 14 May 2020
14:00 – 17:30 each day


Online workshop


If you have questions please write to the local organiser BBMRI-ERIC Events Officer Viridiana Beltrán Venegas:



EJP RD – Biomedical Research Training – Virtual Version – Preliminary Program