ERN Workshop: Translational research on bone impairment in rare diseases

In the context of EJP RD’s ERN Workshops, a face-to-face workshop on “Translational research on bone impairment in rare diseases” aimed at giving an update on translational research on bone impairment in rare diseases and bringing together experts and trainees to facilitate collaborations is being organised by Justine Bacchetta of the Faculty of Medicine of Lyon. The in-person event will take place over…

EIC funding call for RNA-based therapies and diagnostics for rare genetic diseases

The European Commission (EC) has adopted the 2022 work programme of the European Innovation Council (EIC), opening funding opportunities worth over €1.7 billion in 2022 for breakthrough innovators to scale up and create new markets. This includes €60.5 million to tackle three Transition Challenges, notably one on the development of RNA-based therapies and diagnostics for…

Dates announced for Innovation Bootcamp in Rare Diseases 2022 (IBRD2022)

The dates for the 2022 edition of the Innovation Bootcamp in Rare Diseases (IBRD2022), sponsored by Congress Care, have been announced. The event is targeted towards all professionals involved in the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of rare diseases and orphan drug research and development, including researchers, clinicians, pharma, policy makers and patient representatives. This in-person event will…

Rare Disease Day at the World Expo Dubai

The NGO Committee for Rare Diseases, Ågrenska Foundation, Rare Diseases International (RDI), and EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe are jointly organising their 2022 Global Rare Disease Day Event on the occasion of Rare Disease Day (February 28th) at the World Expo, Dubai. The event will take place from 07.30 – 13.30 CET (10.30 – 16.30 local time) at…

Online events announced in the run up to Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing

The UK Royal Society, Academy of Medical Sciences, the US National Academies of Sciences and Medicine and UNESCO-The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS) are jointly organising the Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing in March 2023, postponed from its original date of March 2022. The original dates of March 7th – 9th, 2022 are being used to…

Scientify Research publishes curated list of rare disease grants and funding opportunities

Scientify Research, a Swedish company providing an open, curated and structured research funding database that focuses on aggregating information on funding opportunities across several research areas, has published a curated list of grants and funding opportunities available in the field of rare diseases. The website also collates information about research funders, and users are allowed…

Inserm organises Scientific Symposium on Rare Diseases

In the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union (PFUE 2022), and under the high patronage of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), Inserm (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) is organising a scientific symposium on Rare Diseases. The hybrid conference (in-person for specially invited attendees…

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative announces two patient-partnered Requests for Application (RFA) with rare disease focus

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) is inviting applications from collaborative teams bringing together patient-led rare disease organisations and research teams for 4-year research projects aimed at advancing understanding of the fundamental science of rare diseases across two requests for applications (RFAs):  The Patient-Partnered Collaborations for Single-Cell Analysis of Rare Inflammatory Pediatric Disease RFA aims to support the application of single-cell biology…