World Duchenne Awareness Day (WDAD) 2023 Theme Announcement

This year’s World Duchenne Awareness Day (WDAD) theme is Duchenne: Breaking Barriers. WDAD supports creating a society that provides equal opportunities for all. This year is the 10th edition! People living with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD/BMD) face physical, healthcare and social barriers. This severely limits their ability to participate fully in community life and activities. …

The 9th Rare Disease Summer School

Apply now to join the 9th Rare Disease Summer School organized by ITINERARE, a recently established University Research Priority Program of the University of Zurich focusing on “Innovative Therapies in Rare Diseases”. The Summer School will take place at the Kartause Ittingen, Warth (Canton Thurgau) close to Zurich from July 04th to 07th, 2023. Please refer to the website for more information on the ITINERARE Rare Disease Summer…