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Anti-Covid-19 drugs

There is no anti-Covid-19 drug globally accepted for treatment, but many drugs are under investigations. About 16 trials of antivirals are under development (6 march 2020). Antiviral drugs are difficult to find, because of the cell-parasitic nature of viruses. It has been long to get efficient drugs against HIV or Hepatitis C. COVID-19 vaccine may…

Commission launches “COVID-19 Clinical Management Support System”

The European Commission launched the “COVID-19 Clinical Management Support System” with the aim to support clinicians in hospitals that are currently facing the coronavirus emergency all over Europe. Based on the experience with the European Reference Networks, the initiative will help to create rapid connections across Europe among the hospitals indicated by the Member States as…

Implications of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on methodological aspects of ongoing clinical trials

EMA has developed this guidance covering actions that sponsors of ongoing clinical trials affected by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic should take to help ensure the integrity of their studies and interpretation of study results while safeguarding the safety of trial participants as a first priority. This complements the good clinical practice guidance on how sponsors should adjust the management of clinical…


EURO-NMD has taken some important actions in response to the Covid-19 crisis. In particular, two online surveys have been developed, a Covid-19 patient survey with few simple questions about the relationship between those people with NMDs and the virus, and a Covid-19 hospital one targeting clinicians. Both surveys can be found on the homepage at…

Jazz4Rare 2020 by Foundation of Borys the Hero

Jazz4Rare 2020, a unique jazz concert took place in Emigration Museum in Gdynia on Rare Disease Day. Concert was positive kind of trial of building awareness event build on sensory experience thru jazz music & vocal. The event gather almost 300 visitors who spent 2 hours on listening and feeling jazz states of rareness served…

Global Data Access for Solving Rare Disease

Rare but not uncommon « A more integrated system of gathering genomic data offers a solution with potential channels for return on investment » is the focus of the recent World Economic Forum project on Rare Diseases. Only 5% of the 475 million people with rare disease have a treatment. Given that 80% of these diseases have…