This training is intended for potential users of the Virtual Platform (VP) that is developed in the context of the EJP RD Pillar2 activities. 

At the end of this webinar, you will be able to:  

  • Describe how to interact with the Virtual Platform as a network of connected resources   
  • Identify different entry points of different types of users to the Virtual Platform 
  • State some current functionalities of the Virtual Platform Portal  
    • General introduction to the interface   
    • Where to find connected resources  
    • What types of resources are available   
    • How to login  
    • How to search resources with different level of granularity  
  • State functionalities that could be built on top of the Virtual Platform network (co-creation/co-development) 





Introduction to the EJP RD Virtual Platform: concept and philosophy   

Franz Schaefer, Ana Rath 


The journey of different categories of end-users of the VP 

Marco Roos 

In collaboration with Anthony Brookes and Luiz Bonino 


Interactive learning exercise 

Facilitated by Marco Roos, Abishaa Vengadeswaran, Yanis Mimouni, Alexandra Tataru, José Antonio Garcia Ramirez 


The Virtual Platform Portal as a reference implementation – a demo 

Karl Kreiner, Abishaa Vengadeswaran 


Conclusion and Assessment 

All Trainers 

The training webinar is organized as a series of presentations and interactive sessions by experts in specific topics. 

The workshop is open to the international rare disease research community.

The training and registration are free of charge. 

At the end of the training, participants will be requested to fill an online questionnaire as feedback for learning and impact assessment. 

A certificate of attendance will be given upon request after the training to the participants who attended the entire workshop. No credits of Continuing Education in Medicine will be issued.

The language of the training webinar is English. 

Online – Microsoft Teams. Details for the connection will be sent automatically as soon as you register. 

This Training webinar is organized by the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases. For any questions or comments please contact