Announcement of EP PerMed’s Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2024

Identification or Validation of Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches (PMTargets) The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed), supported by the European Union under Horizon Europe (Grant Agreement N° 101137129), launches its first joint transnational call (JTC2024) for proposals on “Identification or Validation of Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches (PMTargets)”. In total, 39 funding organisations participate…

EJP RD Webinar: Real-World data, Machine learning and Deep analytics in rare diseases

The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases is organizing the training webinar: « Real-World data, Machine learning and Deep analytics in rare diseases: Regulatory grade data collection for marketing authorization submissions – what is buzz, what is realistic? » that will be held online on 26 January 2024 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm CET. Registration is open here…