Real-world evidence to support HTA/payer decisions about highly innovative technologies

RWE multi-stakeholder initiative – Paper for consultation The draft stakeholder guidance of the multi-stakeholder initiative on ‘Real-world evidence (RWE) to support HTA/payer decisions about highly innovative technologies’ is now open for consultation until 6 January 2020. Commissioned by the Belgian healthcare payer INAMI/RIZIV, this work defines how RWE can be best used to close evidentiary gaps for HTA…

Training: Hands-On introduction to NGS variant analysis

This training gives an introduction to the use of several popular NGS analysis software packages.  Target Audience: All scientists When. 20 – 21 January 2020 (10.00 – 17.00) Objectives Using a full publicly available chromosome read-set from one of the 1000 genome samples: ​Perform a complete analysis workflow including QC, read mapping, read coverage analysis, and…